Counseling Online for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.

Reclaim Your Life with Professional Therapy for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.

You no longer have to navigate the confusion alone. Schedule your appointment online today.

Are you wondering if you're in a relationship with a narcissist? Our counseling services can help you identify the signs of narcissism and develop a plan to move forward. Contact us for more information and support.

What is Narcissistic Abuse?

Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional abuse that can have devastating consequences for victims. Narcissistic abuse can occur in any type of relationship, including family, romantic, and professional. Narcissistic abusers are very skilled at manipulation and control, and they often use a variety of tactics to keep their victims under their thumb. They may engage in gaslighting, which is a form of psychological manipulation that causes victims to doubt their memories and perceptions. They may also use intimidation, threats, or even violence to maintain control. Narcissistic abusers often have a very high opinion of themselves and feel that they are entitled to mistreat those around them. As a result, victims of narcissistic abuse often feel isolated and suffer from feelings of low self-worth, anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. They may have difficulty trusting others and struggle to maintain healthy relationships.

What love is

If you've been in a relationship with a narcissist, you know how damaging it can be to your mental health and well-being. Narcissistic abuse can leave you feeling powerless, worthless, and emotionally drained. But there is hope for healing and recovery.

Best Counselor for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

The Effects of Narcissistic Abuse: Narcissistic abuse can profoundly impact your mental health and well-being. Some common effects of narcissistic abuse include:

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Low self-esteem and self-worth

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Difficulty trusting others

  • Problems focusing and Memory Fog.

  • Inability to self-regulate emotions.

  • Self-doubt and self-blame

Signs of Narcissistic Abuse

Signs of Narcissistic Abuse: Narcissistic abuse can take many forms, including emotional, verbal, physical, and financial abuse. Some common signs of narcissistic abuse include:

  • Gaslighting and manipulation

  • Constant criticism and belittling

  • Isolation from friends and family

  • Financial control and exploitation

  • Emotional withdrawal and neglect

  • and more.

The different type of narcissist

The different types of narcissistic abuse are:

1. Emotional abuse: This can involve anything from constant criticism to controlling behavior, and it can be very damaging to a person’s self-esteem.

2. Mental abuse: This can include gaslighting, which is a form of psychological manipulation that causes victims to doubt their memories and perceptions.

3. Physical abuse: This can range from minor forms of violence, such as hair-pulling and slapping, to more serious forms, such as choking and hitting.

4. Sexual abuse: This can involve forced or unwanted sex, as well as sexualized verbal abuse, such as making demeaning comments about a person’s body or sexual prowess.

5. Financial abuse: This can involve anything from controlling a person’s finances to outright theft.

What is it like to be in a relationship with a narcissist?

A narcissistic partner can be very difficult to deal with. They may be charming and attentive at first, but over time their true colors begin to show. A narcissistic partner will often try to control their partner in a variety of ways. They may become extremely jealous and possessive, or they may try to alienate their partner from friends and family. A narcissistic partner may also try to undermine their partner's self-confidence, making them feel dependent on the relationship. Ultimately, a narcissistic partner is trying to control and manipulate their partner in order to keep them in a relationship. Being in a relationship with a narcissistic individual can be challenging. Narcissists are often highly self-centered, demanding excessive amounts of attention and admiration. They may also try to control their partner's behavior by seeking to dictate how they dress, whom they spend time with, and what they do. In some cases, narcissists may become verbally or physically abusive if their needs are not met. Only by understanding the dynamics of the relationship can you hope to break free from the narcissist's control.

What are Some Red Flags that I Might be in a Relationship with a Narcissist?

There are many different red flags that may indicate that you are in a relationship with a narcissist. Some common ones include:

  1. Your partner engages you in a whirlwind romance and makes you feel like you are the most important person in their life. They make you feel like they understand you better than anyone else has. S/he wants to know everything about you. 

  2. Your partner always has to be right and cannot handle when someone points s/he is wrong. They are always the victim. 

  3. Your partner becomes extremely critical of you and finds fault with everything you do.

  4. Your partner has a sense of entitlement and believes that they are better than others. 

  5. Your partner is always seeking attention and validation from others. However, they lack meaningful relationships because they have the tendency to burn bridges due to their abusive ways. 

  6. Your partner lacks compassion or a severe lack of empathy for others and has a history of abusive behavior towards other people.

  7. Your partner has manipulative tendencies or uses behavioral tactics as a means to exploit your boundaries and gain power and control. 

  8. They consistently tell you what to do or control your actions. They isolate you from your family and friends. 

  9. Uncontrolled outbursts of anger and frustration. They have the tendency to throw temper tantrums when they do not get their way. 

  10. Contradictory stories that don't line up. Their words never match their actions. They have a tendency to lie about things. 

If you are seeing any of these red flags in your relationship, it is important to reach out for help. Remember, you are not alone, and there is hope for healing.

Narcissistic Tactics Used to Gain Power and Control over Their Significant Other:

Narcissistic abuse tactics are manipulative behaviors used by individuals with narcissistic personality disorder to control, exploit, and dominate their partners, family members, friends, or colleagues. Some common narcissistic abuse tactics include:

  1. Gaslighting: A tactic in which the abuser denies the reality of the victim's experiences or emotions, making them doubt their own memory or perception of events.

  2. Blame-shifting: A tactic in which the abuser shifts the blame for their behavior onto the victim, making them feel responsible for the abuse.

  3. Silent treatment: A tactic in which the abuser ignores the victim or withholds communication, affection, or attention to punish them or manipulate them.

  4. Projection: A tactic in which the abuser attributes their own negative qualities or behaviors to the victim, making the victim feel guilty or ashamed.

  5. Triangulation: A tactic in which the abuser involves a third party (e.g., a friend, family member, or co-worker) in the abuse, creating a sense of competition or division between the victim and the third party.

  6. Intimidation: A tactic in which the abuser threatens or intimidates the victim, using fear to control them.

  7. Love bombing: A tactic in which the abuser showers the victim with attention, compliments, and gifts to gain their trust and admiration.

  8. Smear campaigns: A tactic in which the abuser spreads false or misleading information about the victim to others, tarnishing their reputation or credibility.

  9. Financial abuse: A tactic in which the abuser controls the victim's finances, preventing them from accessing money or using it as a means of control.

  10. Sexual coercion: A tactic in which the abuser uses sex as a tool to manipulate or control the victim, such as by withholding sex as punishment or forcing the victim to engage in unwanted sexual acts.

  11. Isolation: A tactic in which the abuser cuts the victim off from friends, family, or other sources of support, making them more vulnerable and dependent on the abuser.

  12. Verbal abuse: A tactic in which the abuser uses insults, put-downs, or verbal attacks to undermine the victim's self-esteem and sense of worth.

  13. Physical abuse: A tactic in which the abuser uses physical force or threats of violence to control the victim, which can include hitting, slapping, choking, or other forms of physical harm.

  14. Control of information: A tactic in which the abuser controls what information the victim has access to, such as by monitoring their phone or email, or by preventing them from communicating with others.

  15. Dismissal of feelings: A tactic in which the abuser disregards or minimizes the victim's emotions or concerns, making them feel unheard or unimportant.

  16. Sabotage: A tactic in which the abuser intentionally undermines the victim's efforts or accomplishments, either directly or through covert means.

  17. Demanding obedience: A tactic in which the abuser expects the victim to comply with their demands without question or hesitation, using punishment or threats to enforce obedience.

  18. Exploitation: A tactic in which the abuser takes advantage of the victim's resources, skills, or connections for their own benefit without regard for the victim's well-being or interests.

  19. Constant criticism: A tactic in which the abuser criticizes the victim's appearance, personality, or abilities, making them feel inadequate or unworthy.

  20. Contempt: A tactic in which the abuser shows a lack of respect or regard for the victim through words, actions, or attitudes, which can be deeply hurtful and damaging to the victim's self-esteem

  21. Dangling the carrot: A tactic in which the abuser dangles the possibility of reward or positive reinforcement in front of the victim as a means of control but then fails to follow through or withholds the reward, causing the victim to feel manipulated and frustrated. This tactic can be used to keep the victim hooked on the relationship or to motivate the victim to comply with the abuser's demands.

  22. Triangulation: A tactic in which the abuser brings a third party into the relationship, either to create jealousy or competition or to manipulate the victim through the third party's opinions or actions.

  23. Charm offensive: A tactic in which the abuser uses flattery, gifts, or other forms of positive reinforcement to gain the victim's trust and admiration and to keep them hooked into the relationship.

  24. Mirroring: is another tactic that can be used in narcissistic abuse, and it involves the abuser mimicking the victim's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to gain their trust and manipulate them.

    It's important to note that not all individuals with narcissistic traits engage in abusive behavior, and not all abuse is perpetrated by those with a narcissistic personality disorder. However, if you or someone you know is experiencing any form of abuse, it's important to seek help and support.

What are the Different Types of Narcissists?

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, and a need for admiration. There are several types of narcissism, including:

Overt Narcissism: Also known as grandiose narcissism. This type of narcissism is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a need for attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. People with grandiose narcissism often believe that they are superior to others and have a sense of entitlement.

Malignant Narcissism: This type of narcissism is characterized by a combination of grandiose and antisocial personality traits. People with malignant narcissism may display a lack of empathy, a disregard for the rights of others, and a tendency towards manipulative and exploitative behavior.

Vulnerable Narcissism: This type of narcissism is characterized by a fragile self-esteem. A fear of rejection or criticism and a tendency to feel easily hurt or offended. They become angry when they are put on a pedestal, center of attention, or priority.

Covert Narcissism: This type of narcissism is characterized by a need for admiration and attention but with a more subtle and indirect approach than the overt narcissist. People with covert narcissism may appear to be shy or introverted but still have a strong sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy for others.

Communal Narcissism: This type of narcissism is characterized by a need to be seen as a selfless and altruistic person. People with communal narcissism may engage in acts of kindness or charity but with the underlying motive of seeking attention and admiration.

It's worth noting that not all narcissistic traits are necessarily problematic or harmful. Some degree of self-confidence and assertiveness can be healthy and necessary for success in certain areas of life. However, when narcissistic traits become extreme and interfere with a person's ability to form meaningful relationships or function effectively in society, they may be considered pathological.

Counseling Services with Jennifer L. Hillier:

Offering individual counseling sessions tailored to your specific needs. Our counseling services include the following:

  • Trauma-focused therapy to address the impact of narcissistic abuse on your mental health and well-being

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy to help you change negative thought patterns and behaviors

  • Mindfulness-based practices to reduce stress and increase emotional regulation

  • Support and guidance in setting healthy boundaries and rebuilding self-esteem

  • A safe and non-judgmental space to process your emotions and experiences

Counseling Online for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery in Texas, Nevada, Florida, and Vermont.

Recover from narcissistic abuse with counseling. You no longer have to navigate the confusion alone. Book your appointment online today.

The best therapist for trauma and EMDR therapy.

How did I end up with a narcissistic partner?

There is no one answer to this question, as many factors can contribute to someone ending up in a relationship with a narcissist. Often, people who are attracted to narcissists are themselves emotionally vulnerable and struggle with low self-esteem. When emotional needs have gone unmet, victims of narcissism sometimes get attached too fast to their partner, because they made them feel something after being numb for so long. Adults with unresolved childhood trauma tend to seek validation and attention from a partner; mistakenly believing they will be able to provide these things they promised them. Other times, people may be drawn to the confidence and charisma that many narcissists display. Whatever the reason, it is important to remember that you are not responsible for your partner’s abusive behavior.

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Counseling - Schedule an Appointment

Are you struggling to recover from narcissistic abuse? You don't have to go through this alone. Narcissistic abuse can leave you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and hopeless, but with the right support, you can heal and move forward. Counseling can be an important step in your recovery. A therapist can provide you with support and understanding as you deal with the fallout from the abuse. They can also help you to develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with the pain and trauma of the abuse. Counseling can be an important part of your journey to healing the wounds of narcissistic abuse.

I am an experienced therapist who specializes in helping individuals who have experienced narcissistic abuse. I understand the unique challenges you are facing and can provide the guidance and support you need to recover.

Why Choose Jennifer Hillier M.A. LPC-S?

Licensed Professional Counselor Jennifer has extensive experience in helping individuals recover from narcissistic abuse and provides compassionate and evidence-based care to help you achieve your goals and move forward in a healthy way. Jennifer BIPOC body-positive counselor who is an inclusive therapist that has dedicated her life to helping people recover from mental and emotional abuse and neglect. A proud ally to the LGBTQ+ and Polyamory Friendly Communities. You deserve to live a life led by your passion, not your emotions. Schedule your appointment online today.

Therapy Designed to Help You Heal and Step Into Your Authentic Self.

You deserve to live a life driven by your passion and purpose, not your emotions. Allow me to help you make the changes you have been longing for. It's time to move on from your past, reclaim your future and step into your authentic self. Imagine a life where you no longer feel controlled by your thoughts, where you freely express yourself with conviction, honor your body, and celebrate all its imperfections. Take your next step confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you have always imagined. Take comfort in knowing that you are no longer in this alone. You are in safe, experienced hands now.

Heal from Narcissistic abuse