Personal Self Care: Counseling for Therapists Online
Mental health professionals deserve the same level of care they provide to their clients. Helping mental health professionals get the self-care they need, So they can continue doing what matters most - helping others heal.
Therapy as a form of personal self-care
Therapy can be an incredibly valuable form of personal self-care for therapists. I believe that therapy is a form of self-care because it allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings in a safe and judgment-free environment. It can be a great way to work through difficult emotions and learn more about yourself. I think everyone can benefit from therapy because most of us were not taught how to take care of or manage our mental health. I encourage you to give it a try if you are feeling struggling in any way. Do not buy into the stigmatization that therapy is only for those with severe mental illness or that you should not need a therapist because you are a therapist. You spend all day making other people's mental health a priority; allow me to make your mental health my priority.
The benefits of a therapist seeing a therapist
As a counselor yourself, you are fully aware there are many benefits to a therapist seeing a therapist. One of the most important benefits is that it can help prevent burnout. When we constantly give to others, it is easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Seeing a therapist can help us remember to do that. It can also provide us with much-needed support and guidance. As therapists, we often hold a lot of responsibility and feel we have to be perfect or have it together. Seeing a therapist can help us learn to let go of that perfectionism and give ourselves grace. If you are a therapist and you are not currently seeing a therapist, I encourage you to consider it. It could be one of the best forms of self-care you could give to yourself.
Let's be honest, are we better therapists when we are getting our own needs met and not neglecting them?
The simple answer is yes. When we care for ourselves, we have more to give our clients. We are more patient, more understanding, and more present with them. It's not that we don't understand what they are going through; it’s that we have more patience and compassion because we aren't coming from a place of depletion. When we prioritize our mental health, we model healthy behavior for our clients. We are setting the example that it is okay to put your needs first and seek help when needed. Everyone should see a therapist at some point in their lives, just as everyone should see a doctor or dentist. There is no shame in seeking professional help to work on your mental health. One of the most important things you can do for your mental health is to seek professional help when needed. This doesn't mean that you're weak or broken – it simply means that you're taking care of yourself in the best way possible, as any professional would.
Address Your Own Trauma and Find Healing
As a counselor, it is crucial to acknowledge and address your own trauma to ensure the best care for your clients. Our trauma-informed approach allows you to explore and process your experiences in a compassionate and supportive environment, facilitating healing and personal growth.
What can I help you with:
Burn Out
Career Planning
Imposter Syndrome
Mental Health
From Therapist to Therapist
I promise to provide a safe, judgment-free confidential space for you to vent, process, and feel heard. Take comfort in knowing that you no longer have to do this alone. You are in experienced hands now.
Therapy designed to help you heal and step into your authentic self.
You deserve to live a life driven by your passion and purpose, not your emotions. Allow me to help you make the changes you have been longing for. It's time to move on from your past, reclaim your future and step into your authentic self. Imagine a life where you no longer feel controlled by your thoughts, where you freely express yourself with conviction, honor your body, and celebrate all its imperfections. Take your next step confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you have always imagined. Take comfort in knowing that you are no longer in this alone. You are in safe experienced hands now.